Senator Marsha Blackburn Leads Colleagues in Introducing the Iran China Accountability Act

Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) recently led her Republican colleagues in introducing the Iran China Accountability Act, according to a press release by Blackburn’s office.

The bill would “call attention to Iran’s ties with Communist China by prohibiting the obligation or expenditure of any taxpayer dollars to advance a nuclear agreement with Iran until the regime terminates their ties with Communist China and terrorist groups like Hamas,” according to the press release.

According to Blackburn’s office, the Biden administration is “engaged in negotiations” to re-establish a similar agreement to that of then-President Barack Obama’s 2015 Iran Deal.

Specifically, according to Blackburn’s office, the Iran China Accountability Act would require any nuclear agreement to be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the U.S. Senate.

In addition, the legislation would prohibit obligation or expenditure of any funds for a nuclear agreement until the following criteria are met:

  • Iran terminates all agreements involving the transfer of funds from China and terminates strategic security and military partnerships with China;
  • Iran terminates all ties and transfers of cash to Iranian proxy forces, including Hamas;
  • Iran verifies the destruction of all chemical weapons, materials, and infrastructure; and
  • The CCP ceases the incarceration of Uyghurs: which requires a report from the Secretary of State to Congress detailing how any future agreement with Iran meets each requirement listed above; and condemns Hamas-incited terrorist attacks on Israel.

“The Obama-Biden Iran Deal has always been a failure,” Senator Blackburn said in a statement. “The Biden administration should not re-enter a deal that legitimizes the Iranian regime – especially while they continue to fund terrorism, endorse Communist China’s dangerous government, and facilitate genocide. This legislation will stop taxpayer dollars from enabling the Biden White House to back this corrupt regime.”

Senator Blackburn was joined in introducing the bill by Senators Rick Scott (R-FL), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Congressman Bob Good (R-VA) introduced the companion bill (H.R.3465) in the House of Representatives.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Marsha Blackburn. 



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4 Thoughts to “Senator Marsha Blackburn Leads Colleagues in Introducing the Iran China Accountability Act”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Marsha’s flavor of the week. Anything to keep her mug in the spotlight. She needs to go.

  2. P

    Blackburn should introduce a bill that bans her from public office. She’s a RINO.

  3. Trevor

    Iran China accountability act is a great idea! We need a Marsha Blackburn accountability act! She has been in congress since 2003! Since then working Tennesseans have more debt because if the federal government spending and deficits! Marsha please push a balanced budget amendment! Why do you continue to support RINO Mitch McConnell? He votes with the democrats and Biden 54% of the time! MCConnell also calls you an isolationist! Do you like supporting a guy that calls you names! You broke your promise to Tennesseans by not supporting the voter integrity act with senator Cruz! You did keep your promise to the Washington swamp and MCConnell! Please support term limits and a new generation senate leadership! Your truly disappointed Previous supporter of Marsha!

    1. Mark Knofler

      Amen! She may be the most useless person to ever hold the office. She continues to support RINO’s because that is what she is most comfortable with.
